Make the Promise.
Become a Member.
Why Become a Member?
By joining our network of queer college-aged individuals and allies across Boston, members have access to a diverse community of peers who have all made the same pledge of respect to the community. In return, members who make the promise receive exclusive benefits as well as the peace of mind of knowing that they are in a safe, supportive environment at our events.
By joining our network of queer college-aged individuals and allies across Boston, members have access to a diverse community of peers who have all made the same pledge of respect to the community. In return, members who make the promise receive exclusive benefits as well as the peace of mind of knowing that they are in a safe, supportive environment at our events.
Make the Promise
The Commitment
By making our promise to the community, you are joining a rich, diverse community of LGBTQ individuals and allies who have all made the same commitment to each other. What is that commitment? Scroll down below.
Once you have made the promise, it's time to show off your commitment. Paint any nail(s) of your choice with a pink polish to let others know you are an official member of the BQC. Take it off afterwards, or keep it on for the next event!
Paint a Nail
the Benefits
Let us thank you for making the promise.
When you check-in for an event and are verified as a member, show us your pink polish to receive exclusive benefits such as half-off admission, free swag, and so much more!